News - Literacy
2016/2017 School Year
16th Jun 2017
P6/7 'revelled' in a morning of sweets. They were given the difficult task of including...
22nd Feb 2017
P4 and 5 pupils enjoyed making some flip books during literacy. Hopefully...
8th Feb 2017
P4 and 5 pupils are learning how to use the apostrophe to spell shortened forms...
9th Dec 2016
P5/6/7 have written mini Viking sagas. Each saga contains exactly fifty carefully...
25th Nov 2016
Children use the classroom graffiti wall to give their opinions of books they have...
10th Nov 2016
P4 and 5 pupils are using adjectives to make their writing more interesting. During...
25th Oct 2016
The P4/5 class is learning about writing instructions. As part of...
29th Sep 2016
P4/5 are reading 'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark' by Jill Tomlinson as a class...
Donaghmore Controlled Primary School, 35 Main St, Donaghmore BT70 3EZ | Phone:028 8776 1503