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Donaghmore Controlled Primary School, Dungannon


6th Sep 2024

Donaghmore Primary School was officially opened on 5th September 1934 by Viscountess Charlemont, wife of Viscount Charlemont the then Northern Ireland Minister for Education. The erection of the school was mainly due to a generous donation by Sir William Brown, a native of Donaghmore. The Browns were a prominent family in the village. In the early 1800s they owned a grocers and bakery in the main street and later developed a renowned soap and candle-making business. They generously gave the site on which the school is built and it is said that 7 houses were knocked down in preparation.

As part of the school’s 90th anniversary celebrations, the children learned about the Brown family and with the help of Sharron from Molly and Me Candles, each pupil made their own bar of soap. KS2 pupils went on a village walk and, using a photo taken in the early 1900s, they searched for similarities and differences on Main Street. They then walked to the Horticultural Community’s floral display in old soap-work vats and found useful information on the display boards.